Monday, January 12, 2009

Yard Sale

Last week totally kicked my butt! After posting my record high weekly weight loss, it was just about downhill from there!

All week we were cleaning out closets, making posters, pricing stuff, organizing stuff, all for our Yard Sale on Saturday. I've never thought yard sales take a lot much work, until you start putting one together...and one that includes 6 families. We had TONS of stuff! (I wish I would have taken some pictures.)

I think we finally went to bed close to 1:00am on Friday (Saturday morning) and woke up at 5:00am to go get coffee and donuts (yes...donuts...who has a yard sale without donuts?)...well since I am NEVER up at that hour, I had no clue that Starbucks didn't open until 6, so we just had donuts. When I got back home, the guys had already started bringing stuff to the front was still dark and SO cold! We had put out the signs the night before in 80 degree weather, so to wake up to 30 degrees was a shock! Karen and Sara came by around 6:30 and brought two more truck loads of stuff, that we quickly arranged and priced. We were told serious shoppers start showing up around 7:00am, so when we didn't see the first customers until after 8:00, we were worried that this was going to be a flop! But after 7 hours of shopping, we only ended up donating a couple of trash bags of clothes and just a few boxes of left over odds and ends. We all walked away with some much needed money...definitely a great way to start the New Year!

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