Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Biggest Loser - "Stewart Style"

Since tonight was the premiere of BL7 (the season we would have been on) we decided to do our own BL...Stewart Style. The Stewart Style does not consist of working out hours and hours a day, it does not consist of doing death defying stunts to earn immunity and it will never vote us off!

Casey got Zach hooked on this diet plan a year ago and for the month of January in 2008 we did really well...and then started moving and things went downhill from there. Totally moving forward this year and kicking some butt! We jump started our diet on Friday 01/02/09, so that when the contestants weighed in tonight and lost ungodly amounts of weight, we could weigh in as well. We have been sticking to the plan really well (except for one night) and I have "worked out" twice.

I know I mentioned that I was thinking about posting the scale's actual number and pictures...but I'm just WAY too embarrassed about that number right now...but stay tuned you never know. (Like all of y'all are just on pins and needles waiting to see how much we really weigh.) BUT I will post some pictures (just not tonight, because I can't find the right cable).

This week's results:
L: -12.6 lbs.
Z: -3.6 lbs.
*After we weighed in, Zach said that he probably cheated more than once...haha*


Angela said...

I am so excited for you guys! Good luck sticking with it and keeping that motivation. I know it is hard! I am anxious to see your results each week! :)

J.B.L said...

Diet details via email please!!

Anonymous said...

I want this diet plan too. 12 plans that great!

Jeff3846 said...

plans....I meant pounds, those words are even close

Momma Jean said...

I am so proud of you!!!! I decided to work on this myself, but I would love your diet!!!

Kim said...

Hey Lindsey - What a great way to start off the new year! Keep up the good work, you seem to be doing something right. Good luck.

Kim Ylda

Shanda said...

12 pounds is GREAT!! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

thats what im talkin bout!