I think I've invented a sickness in blog world...its called "I read too many blogs and end up wanting to be crafty just like everyone else!" It is really a terrible sickness and I have the worst case! So let me show you what I've been working on the past few weeks...
So I'm a total sucker for "puddly" (is that a word?) curtains. LOVE THEM! So I made Joey move the red curtains from the dining room (that barely touched the floor) to replace the poopish green curtains in the living room (that now hang about 10 inches too long)...but aren't you in love? Be still my heart...

So my mom and I bought some beautiful green silk material (for 30% off at Hobby Lobby) and, with the help from my dad, we have these curtains hanging in the dining room:

can't really tell what they look like (me neither...phone pics)...how about an up close and personal picture:

...still not great but can you see the cute little fleur-de-lis? Only thing is these curtains don't "puddle" - I didn't measure exactly right!
So then the next project to tackle is the big empty wall in the kitchen.
Exhibit A:

Just awful, right? So I get this brilliant idea (while watching Color Splash) that "I, too, can become a world class artist overnight with supplies from my very own Hobby Lobby!" So I went and bought 3 tall and skinny canvases and painted one purple, one red-ish, and one burnt orange-ish (to match my curtain above the sink...that I don't have a picture of). I then proceeded to draw on them with chalk to outline a knife, a spoon, and a fork...and then painted them in gold metallic paint. Exhibit B:

OK so we are nowhere near David Bromstad, but I think once they're put in some funky frames it will be good enough!
And of course I have to show you my Canton finds from this past weekend...
A really cool plant stand that we will most likely use as a cooler (by adding a galvanized tub) and a cheap-o window-ish planter (still debating where to put this...for now my "favorite" couch in the "coolest" sun room will do):

I also got this awesome cross to eventually be put on our cross wall:

AND last but certainly not least...my cousin, Jamie, has a one month old baby girl (Elizabeth Faith...shout out to Lizzy) and she flat out told me that she would not be putting any bows on that precious baby's head! I totally can hear all of the gasps from you "Gaskill Bow Machine Making Mommas!" So I have made it my mission in life to make sure that every time I am around cute little Libby (we're apparently still debating on a nick-name) she will be wearing a bow! So in Canton, I bought a bow band (?) and two little bows (a pink polka dot and an Aggie maroon) and thought you know...if this is really going to be my mission in life...the bows should be much bigger...so after a trip to Target and realizing the silver bow should really be used for Joey's birthday present, I made two other medium sized bows. Libby-Lou (yes I just might pass down the extra name "Lou" to you) I hope you like your bows!

That was fun! What are some of your favorite blogs??
Joey is having some foundation work done this week on the house, so I'll be sure and show you the gigantic holes that have replaced the front flower beds! Happy Easter weekend to everyone! Sunday I will be at the Ft. Worth Zoo doing some more interviews but you can bet that I will have a Dr. Pepper in hand!! Just 3 more days!
Now that was worth waiting for!! :) Tanna & I are having a party next Friday night... we want you to come! I will send you an email with details. What is your email address?
this is great Lindsey! I love reading all the craft blogs and i always get a wild hair to do something creative! Once we find out the baby's sex im sure i will go crazy creative in the nursery :)
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