** Looks like the winners will be Robin and Kelli as Robin will be induced on Wednesday morning. Check her blog for real time updates on the day of!**
Judging from Casey's excitement and Robin's exhaustion, Adalyn Grace is coming soon and this baby girl can't get here quick enough! Since August 1st is the expected due date, it is time to start a "Where's Adalyn?" Pool!
We've got 26 possible days for baby Adalyn's arrival, with two spots per day available! Entering the pool will not cost you anything, BUT for each entry, Zach and I are donating $1 (to give the Averitt Family a possible $52 dollars on Adalyn's birthday)! Also, the winning guesser(s) will receive an "a-DOOR-able Hanger" (that will be customized). To join in the pool, just leave a comment with your name and guess -- the schedule will be updated as often as possible.
*If more than two people guess the same day before an update was made, I will take the first two guessers.*
We've got 26 possible days for baby Adalyn's arrival, with two spots per day available! Entering the pool will not cost you anything, BUT for each entry, Zach and I are donating $1 (to give the Averitt Family a possible $52 dollars on Adalyn's birthday)! Also, the winning guesser(s) will receive an "a-DOOR-able Hanger" (that will be customized). To join in the pool, just leave a comment with your name and guess -- the schedule will be updated as often as possible.
*If more than two people guess the same day before an update was made, I will take the first two guessers.*
August 6th. And I'll donate $20 to miss Adalyn. I'll put it in the mail to Britt to give to you.
Congrats Casey and Robin!
July 30th! I feel it! Make it happen Robin!
Brittany Nelson
I was going to say the 30th too, but I will let Brittany have that date. I think she will be induced on the 5th of August.
Ok, Lindsey...I cried when I read this! You are so sweet to do this!
Can I play? No I'm just kidding... but seriously Karen, August 5th?? I might hurt someone if I still haven't had her by then! :)
I say Aug 3rd. :)
Sorry Robin but I am going to say August 8th. Remember it will be worth the wait! :)
Janet Williams
i think july 24th!
I am thinking July 27th
August 2nd
6lbs 11oz
21 inches
A little girl "Averitt"
Awww !
Sounds so sweet!
I call August 2nd. If this is already taken then July 31st.
Put my friend Robin down for the 29th.. she left it on my facebook!
July 30th!
I vote for the 29th!!! That's Doug's bday :)
Dont know Robin personally but i stop by her blog periodically :) Ill guess July 28th...
August 4th only because they say on your first you usually go over. Hopefully you will have a nice doctor like mine who will offer to induce early!
I vote July 26th. Thats my sisters birthday!! Thanks, Tanna
Yay!! Im glad you made this! I guessed July 22nd a couple of weeks ago so I am going to stick with it! =)
haha! Sorry Lindsey I forgot to say it was Heather! =)
Put Misty A. down for August 3rd! :)
This is so much fun! I am ready for this little girl to be here TODAY!
My guess though is July 28th!
Angela McFarland
Put me down for July 31st!! :) can't wait for her to get here!!!!
I would have to go with July 27th (that's my birthday)!
Ashley Safer
August 1st, I agree with the Dr's date :)
Sugey V.
I don't care when she gets here!
Just can't wait!!!
I just wanna be in town!!!
July 25th!
July 25th.
Well boo the 28th is almost over so i was wrong hehe :)
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