Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ok let's play a game...

...that I'd like to call "Where in the hell have you been for the last 6 months...don't you know you have desperate readers waiting to read your every word??"  Ok well maybe that's too long of a name and it probably isn't entirely accurate!

So I think the last I left off Zach and I were going to the Incubus concert...

...and we had a fabulous time!  Our seats were awesome, it wasn't too hot, and I think I only had to wait through 2 songs before Brandon Boyd's shirt was off!  :sigh:

Next up was homecoming...

...and it turns out that this would be my last year...until of course Adalyn Grace needs a mum :)  Ok so this senior wanted a GINORMOUS mum with fiber optic lights...seriously I think those were her exact words!  So this is what she got...well really this is only the top part of her mum...but it was HUGE!  I'm not one of flashing lights (at least not on mums and yes the fiber optics had a setting to flash-thanks to my ingenious husband!) but in person this was probably one of the best mums that I've ever created.

Then came Zach and JP's picture :(
And my birthday party...again no picture :( but my God did I have a great birthday!!  I am beyond lucky to have the friends and family that I do! 

Of course we had Halloween, Thanksgiving, and CHRISTMAS!
...and I'm the proud new owner of these kick-A boots!!  My mom's neighbor has a boutique party at her house and as we walked in the door I seiously saw flashing lights and heard angels singing! 

And then maybe the most important thing has happened over the last couple of months...
...this is part of the living room, front door, and bar of OUR NEW HOUSE!!!!  Although we thoroughly enjoyed living with Joey for the last 2 years...we wanted and needed something to call our own!  So thank you Obama for the tax credit and GP for the grant!!  *This pictures was taken about a month ago, so the TV is no longer in the fireplace and you can actually walk to the front door without tripping over boxes of decorations!*

I think a party is in order!

So there you have're caught up!  I promise not to be gone for another 6 months :)


Julie Brooks said...

Welcome Back!!! Don't stay gone so long next time!!! :)
Now you need to post pictures of what you have done to the house. I'm sure it's ADORABLE!!!

Shanda said...

Yes more pictures of the house please :) Glad to have you back in the blogging world!

robineilene said...

Robin: By the time Adalyn goes to homecoming in 2024 I'm sure she'll want fireworks coming out of her mum!

Casey: Adalyn isn't going to homecoming!
