Thursday, September 18, 2008

Birthday Week :)

So if you know me at all, you know that my birthday is my favorite Holiday :) Ok, so technically it isn't a holiday, but it might as well be since I always celebrate my birthday in a week long fashion. I have always counted down to my birthday for as long as I can remember. The famous countdown started when I was in 3rd grade at Florence Hill (my mom's first year there); I remember writing "10 days until Jacquelin and Lindsey's birthday" on my mom's chalkboard (since Jacquelin Way and I share(d) a birthday); I think there's even a picture of it somewhere... I'm sure some of you have had the pleasure of witnessing a birthday countdown on numerous chalkboards throughout GPISD. I even have one here at work. (I wonder if I will ever grow out of this...) Birthday's are the best! It's the one day (or week) a year that everything is all about you. Maybe I'm just a brat but I just get so excited about my birthday...WEEK!

So this year my birthday is on a Sunday. So my birthday week starts today! My team at work took me to lunch to PF Changs and then we just had a birthday cupcakes and open presents! Not sure what celebrating we're doing tonight, because I have to finish a mum... Tomorrow my mom and I are driving to Gruene/San Marcos to do some shopping this weekend with Tina and Brie!! When I get back home on Sunday, The Stewart family is cooking out for mine and Leslie's birthdays (we, too share a birthday). Then it's up to Zach how we celebrate on Monday through Wednesday to wrap up my birthday week! I'm so totally excited and can't wait to get this week started!


Momma Jean said...

Now I know where Joy got it--her birthday went on forever! It is all your fault!!!

Happy birthday,Lin! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Could you squeeze Casey and I in there somewhere? :) Maybe we could do dinner one night next week? ....and why am I writing this on your blog instead of calling you???

Because everyone likes to get comments! That's why!

Happy Birthday!

Karen said...

Your almost as bad as Milo. He thinks he gets an entire birthday MONTH.

Anonymous said...

I love how I get thrown under the bus...."its up to Zach for monday through wednesday"...I hear it coming and "BANG!!!" a fatal blow to the head by the birthday guilt Zach into doing something bus. As I recall, you will not be here on your actual birthday so all obligation for celebration or presents is on your Mom, Martha, Tina, and Brie.

Love you :)

Brianna said...

Happy Birthday Lindsey!!!! I really gotta start this birthday week tradition... :)

Doug and Kelli said...

I am sad that I didn't comment on this blog sooner... I finally sat down tonight to get myself updated.
I must admit, I thought of you around your birthday and actually wondered if you still did your famous countdowns. It's something that is totally you (and me). Countdowns are great and birthdays are even better. Hope it was a fabulous one (even though I'm way late).