Sunday, May 24, 2009

a-DOOR-able Hangers

Have you waited long enough? I hope you are as excited as I am! :)

So here's the cousin, Jamie, asked me to make a couple of "door hangers" over the last couple of years. (I'm not using the word "wreath" because it sounds too Christmasy...although there is absolutely nothing wrong with being too Christmasy, it's just not what I'm going for.)...back to door hangers...She gave them as gifts to her friends who were expecting. She was always pleased with them and thanked me for sharing my talent with her. Just a couple of weeks ago I made one for Miss Adalyn Grace and I was really shocked by the reaction. Multiple people said "Oh you should sell those in Canton or on etsy...etc" and ever since then, I've had this little itch.

I've checked into a couple of Market Days/Trade Days that go on monthly around the area and started to get really excited! However...before I sign up for any of those events...I wanted to get some HONEST feedback from my fellow bloggers!! Over the next few days, I am going to post some pictures of some "mock-up" door hangers that I've made and would really appreciate your opinions. It would be so awesome if you could answer the below questions anonymously (look I am learning something at work)!

Here are a few things I'd like to know:
1) Does this door hanger appeal to you? Why/Why not?
2) Would you ever consider buying this door hanger (either for yourself or as a gift)?
3) If you answered yes to question #2: How much would you be willing to pay for this door hanger?
4) How much do you think others would be willing to pay for this door hanger?
5) What is the one thing you like most about the door hanger?
6) What is the one thing you dislike the most about the door hanger?
Of course any other comments about the door hanger or this new business are greatly appreciated!

If you'd rather email me, please do so at: (I know I should really update that)!

Door Hanger #1:

Here are some closer shots. The door hanger has a the letter "J", two pairs of socks, two pacifiers, an iron cross, and 3 wooden animals, among a lot of ribbon, green moss, and a grapevine "wreath".

Please let me know what you think...ALL OF YOU...if you've made it this far in my post, you can totally leave a comment!!! :)


robineilene said...

I can send you pictures of Adalyn's if you want! You know, for your portfolio! :)

Anonymous said...

1) Does this door hanger appeal to you? Why/Why not? Yes! Super cute

2) Would you ever consider buying this door hanger (either for yourself or as a gift)? i would buy as a gift as well as for myself although i think of it more as a gift idea than anything

3) If you answered yes to question #2: How much would you be willing to pay for this door hanger? $30-40

4) How much do you think others would be willing to pay for this door hanger? Depending on where you plan to sell it. Craft shows i always expect to pay more, because i know how expensive it is to make homemade things like this. I feel that you could see them customized for $40-45
5) What is the one thing you like most about the door hanger? I like the colors most and the fact it has functional baby things like the soxs and paci's

6) What is the one thing you dislike the most about the door hanger? the wreath and Letter J are both really dark and the J gets lost to me. I would make the J a different color maybe a green or something

Anonymous said...

1) The concept is great. I had a door hanger with mine but it was similar to a high school homecoming mum.

2) I would definitely consider buying and gifting a door hanger, but not this particular one.

3) I think the $40 range.

4) I think it would be beneficial to have ones that cater to different price ranges....perhaps by size, etc. (I was trying to figure out how big this one was..12 inches?)

5) I love the little animals and the fact that you have the "J". The blue and green are great as well.

6)I didn't like it on the grapevine wreath. I think if you could find something else as a base, it would be great. I would want lighter colors, less dark ones. I think the entire decoration, minus the moss, would look great on a lighter background.

I would have like to seen the name incorporated in the design. Maybe doing the name with the little wooden letters painted.

This is just honest feedback. I think you will do well!

Lindsey Stewart said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! I so appreciate your feedback!!!

I have a couple other door hangers ready to post, but would like a couple more comments on this one before we move on to the next one!

Thanks again!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just so proud that you are using our work skills to create your own survey! hahaha!! You know how I feel about the door hanger...they are amazing and I only wish I was as talented as you! Anytime you need help picking out font, you know who to call! haha Love you!

John said...
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J.B.L said...

Very cute Lins!!

Anonymous said...


You are the most creative person I know and I am so proud of you for finally putting your God-given talent to work for you!!!!! Everything you have EVER made for me has been just beautiful!!! Keep up the good work and I wish you the very best of luck!!!! I love you, LDSS!!!!


Brianna said...

1) Yes!! I think it's super cute to hang outside the child's room and/or outside the hospital door.

2) Yes! This is such a unique & thoughtful gift!

3) $20-40 depending on the detail

4) Idk... I've never been to a craft show, but I know that handmade items, one-of-a-kind items will be a little pricey.

5) I like the colors and the theme. Its obviously made for a baby boy!

6) Umm... I really liked everything about it! Maybe you could add the child's name on there?

Lindsey- You are BEYOND creative!! You have an awesome gift and I love to see your creations! When you open up for business let me know! I need to get one for my friend... her baby is due in July!