Tuesday, January 6, 2009


pu·ri·fy: to make pure : to clear from material defilement or imperfection : to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish : to free from undesirable elements
I've chosen purify as my word for 2009. I've already put in place a diet plan to purify my body of all this ridiculous fat that it has been carrying. Zach and I will start attending churches again regularly and hopefully that will lead us to a great church home. I am going to try really hard to stop shopping at Target, Hobby Lobby, Pier 1, or any store besides a grocery store, on a weekly basis...and if in fact I do step foot in one of those stores, I will go in for what I came for (list in hand) and leave. I guess de-clutter could be another word for 2009...but I'm totally going to take this to an entirely different level.

1 comment:

Shanda said...

Looks like your off to a good start for 2009! :)