's been more than two months since I promised I would quickly post pictures of all the updates we've done. After you read this post and see these pictures, you'll be glad that I'm waiting until I can upload much better pics!
Anyway, about a month or so ago, I was looking on Etsy for some cute clothes, for Adalyn's second birthday party (right...she's two...crazy!?), and I saw this really cute dress made out of, nothing but Amy Butler fabric...for...$45! Sorry, Addy, I love you and all but wanted to get you more than just a dress for your birthday. However, right next to the dress for sale was the sewing pattern for the same dress for...$11! So without giving it any thought, I bought the pattern and some cute Amy Butler fabric. Once my thoughts caught up with me, I realized that I was attempting to make a dress...for a two year old. REALLY?! I mean I adore Martha Stewart but my first name is Lindsey! I already had a sewing machine (nothing fancy...basically it can sew straight lines...well sorta) and I knew how to thread the needle and change the bobbin so why not? ...
I followed the pattern step by step but was completely confused at how this was supposed to turn into a dress. I mean I had to look up what it meant to cut on the fold, what a basting stitch was, how I'm supposed to serge the edges with no was scary! I do remember there was a point where the directions said to turn the bodice (I only assumed that this was the top of the dress) inside out and it should look like the top of your dress with straps sandwiched between and sure enough it did, which got me excited! I eventually ended up with this:
However the morning of the party, I still had yet to figure out how to make button holes (so the straps would have something to pull through and make the bow stay in place). I had to tell Robin that her daughter's birthday present was ruined and I wouldn't be able to attend the party with an unfinished dress - actually I just begged Cindy to add button holes so Addy wouldn't be naked! The dress was definitely NOT perfect but I think Martha would be proud for my first attempt!
I just finished this dress for Miss Hannah Louise, who is due any day now! These pictures are terrible (just terrible) but it's the best my crappy iPhone 3 could do! Yes, iPhone 3...don't judge!
And no...still no button holes...Cindy I may be giving you a call! I definitely did better gathering and my top stitch is a lot straight (sorry, Addy!).
My next project is making curtains for our bedroom and painting the walls with orange stripes! I know...Zach is just as excited. Ha.
-Martha :)
Where did you get the fabric? Need that pattern! Super cute!
Ummmm...your favorite 2nd cousin needs one of these in a 4T (for next summer) ASAP. SOOOOO CUTE!
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